In “Little Alchemy 2,” you’re given the opportunity to explore innovations that helped humanity thrive throughout history and create modern life. You can only make these tools via a systematic approach. You start with the Tool element.
This article is a part of LifeRejoice’s step-by-step ‘how to’ guide series for making Elements in Little Alchemy 2. Click here to check out more Little Alchemy 2 Element guides.
“Little Alchemy 2” offers nine unique combinations of elements to make Tool. The following steps outline the fastest method followed by other options:
1. Create a Highly Developed Primate
Several species of primates use rudimentary tools. Humans are the only primate to take tool development to an extreme that currently has no foreseeable end. As a result, you need the Human element to create the Tool element.
If you haven’t collected Human, you create it by combining the following:
- Fire + Earth = Lava
- Lava + Air = Stone
- Stone + Air = Sand
- Water + Water = Puddle
- Puddle + Puddle = Pond
- Pond + Pond = Lake
- Lake + Lake = Sea
- Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Primordial Soup + Energy = Life
- Earth + Water = Mud
- Mud + Sand = Clay
- Clay + Life = Human
The Human element pops up on the screen as a golden human-like figure inside of a circle. The words “The most dangerous game” also appear, which suggests that humans represent the most dangerous creatures in the animal kingdom.
The human ability to create and use increasingly complex tools is one example of how humans are dangerous.
2. Place a Stone in Human Hands
Humans started making tools approximately 2.6 million years ago using heavy, thick stones as hammers. They eventually learned how to strike one stone against another to create sharp-edged cutting tools, points, and spearheads, awls for puncturing and shredding, and scrapers.
Although they expanded their skills to include other types of materials, such as antler and bone, the stone was used so much that historians refer to this period as the Stone Age.
You can make Tool with several elements, but it makes sense to use Stone given human history:
- Human + Stone = Tool
The Tool icon, a metal wrench or spanner, pops up on the screen with the words “A device used to achieve a goal, like a hammer to pound a nail or a Skynet to eliminate humanity.”
Side note: Skynet refers to a fictional artificial intelligence that takes over the world and tries to destroy humanity using sentient robots in the “Terminator” movie franchise. Oddly, “Little Alchemy 2” doesn’t require a Tool to make the Robot element.
Alternative Ways to Make Tool
Four of the other eight methods for making Tool involve combining Humans with another element:
- Human + Metal
- Human + Rock
- Human + Steel
- Human + Wood
The remaining methods require that you combine the Wood element with one of these elements. Yet, you can’t make Wood without other elements derived in some fashion from Tool.
The best place to start is with Metal since it relates to modern tools and provides you with the ability to make Steel and other metal-based tools. You simply combine Stone with Fire.
The Metal icon, a silver-gray panel with rivets, pops up on the screen with the words “The Wonder Material! Hard, soft, shiny, dull, liquid, solid; it can do it all!”
How Is Tool Useful in “Little Alchemy 2”?
Throughout history, humans have made their dreams and even their nightmares real with tools. Without the creation of tools, you wouldn’t be able to read this guide because computers wouldn’t exist.
In fact, you might not have a roof over your head or food in your stomach. Tools changed humans from primarily small groups of nomadic scavengers and hunter-gatherers to larger populations of more sedentary cultivators, farmers, and ranchers.
In “Little Alchemy 2,” the Tool element helps you to learn about human ingenuity while expanding your collection of elements. Explore more than 50 tool-related elements:
- Tool + Monkey = Human
- Tool + Rock = Hammer
- Tool + Stone = Hammer
- Tool + Woodpecker = Hammer
- Tool + Metal = Hammer
- Tool + Steel = Hammer
- Tool + Lumberjack = Axe
- Tool + Wood = Axe
- Tool + Forest = Wood
- Tool + Tree = Wood
- Tool + Tobacco = Pipe
- Tool + Beehive = Wax
- Tool + Earth = Field
- Tool + Land = Field
- Tool + Soil = Field
- Tool + Field = Plow
- Tool + Hay = Pitchfork
- Tool + Gardener = Shovel
- Tool + Ore = Metal
- Tool + Boat = Rope
- Tool + Pirate Ship = Rope
- Tool + Sailboat = Rope
- Tool + Wire = Rope
- Tool + River = Wheel
- Tool + Stream = Wheel
- Tool + Water = Wheel
- Tool + Motion = Wheel
- Tool + Animal = Human & Meat
- Tool + Egg = Omelette
- Tool + Chicken = Meat
- Tool + Piranha = Fishing Rod
- Tool + Fish = Fishing Rod & Meat
- Tool + Flying Fish = Meat
- Tool + Frog = Meat
- Tool + Shark = Meat
- Tool + Swordfish = Fishing Rod & Meat
- Tool + Livestock = Meat
- Tool + Pig = Leather & Meat
- Tool + Cow = Leather & Meat & Milk
- Tool + Goat = Milk
- Tool + Milk = Butter & Cheese
- Tool + Coconut = Coconut Milk
- Tool + Wall = House
- Tool + Rainbow = Paint
- Tool + Double Rainbow! = Paint
- Tool + Clay = Pottery
- Tool + Cotton = Thread
- Tool + Thread = Fabric & Needle
- Tool + Horse = Saddle
- Tool + Mountain Goat = Cashmere
- Tool + Sheep = Leather & Wool
- Tool + Wool = Sweater
- Tool + Rain = Umbrella
- Tool + Storm = Umbrella
- Tool + Day = Sundial
- Tool + Sundial = Clock
- Tool + Time = Clock
- Tool + Sun = Solar Cell & Sundial
- Tool + Light = Flashlight & Solar Cell & Sundial
- Tool + Lamp = Flashlight
- Tool + Light Bulb = Flashlight
- Tool + Box = Toolbox
- Tool + Container = Toolbox
- Tool + Safe = Toolbox
- Tool + Pressure = Boiler
- Tool + Steam = Boiler
- Tool + Boiler = Machine
- Tool + Chain = Machine
- Tool + Engineer = Machine
- Tool + Tool = Machine
- Tool + Wheel = Machine
- Tool + Gunpowder = Bullet
- Tool + Glasses = Safety Glasses
- Tool + Glass = Lens
- Tool + Lens = Microscope
- Tool + Quicksilver = Thermometer
- Tool + Doctor = Stethoscope
- Tool + Hospital = Stethoscope
- Tool + Sound = Stethoscope
- Tool + Needle = Syringe
- Tool + Hacker = Computer
- Tool + House = Factory
- Tool + Scythe = Lawn Mower
- Tool + Grass = Lawn Mower
- Tool + Baast = Ankh
- Tool + Maahes = Ankh
- Tool + Ra = Ankh
- Tool + Tawaret = Ankh
- Tool + Oni = Kanabō
- Tool + Maui = Maui’s Fishhook
- Tool + Thor = Mjölnir
- Tool + Zeus = Aegis
- Tool + Paladin = Durendal
- Tool + Wizard = Wand
Give Us the Tools, And We’ll Finish the Job
A popular tool-related saying that refers to the tools a person needs to complete a task or job is the “tools of one’s trade.” You have been given all the tools you need to expand your in-game world and eventually finish your collection.
With the Wood element alone, you can bring Flute music and write with Pencil and Paper into the world. You can also create various other tools, including Arrow, Barrel, Broom, Bucket, Cutting Board, Drum, Fence, Mailbox, Popsicle, Snowboard, Boat, Cart, Log Cabin, and Treehouse.