The Moon is 238,855 miles from Earth. Thankfully, in the element and world-building browser, Android, and iOS game “Little Alchemy 2,” the Moon isn’t that far out of your reach.
The goal of the game is for players to create elements starting with the basic building blocks of life, earth, air, fire, and water, and then progress to creating complex life, solar bodies, and even extrasolar systems.
Check out more on Little Alchemy 2 ‘how to make’ guides: Electricity, Rain, Sky, Lizard, Cloud, Human.
The Moon is one of the easiest and earliest solar bodies that you can create in the game.
You start by creating and collecting other elements. The game gives you nine different ways to combine elements to make Moon.
That said, only one combination is the most basic option.
The following steps show you how you can make the Moon element in the simplest way possible:
1. Build a Planet
The game provides you with Earth from the start, but this element doesn’t represent the planet. As explained on the “Little Alchemy 2 Hints” website, you build a Planet element using one of five different combinations of elements.
The fastest of these methods requires that you create Land and Continent first:
- Earth + Earth = Land
- Land + Land = Continent
Once you’ve created a Continent, you merely need to drag another one from the sidebar and drop it on the existing one (Continent + Continent) to create Planet.
When you perform this step, the Planet element icon appears on the screen with the phrase “A star dancer” beneath it. The icon doesn’t look like the planet Earth since it’s intended to represent a planet in general.
You can also build a Planet by combining Earth with the Sky, Space, or Solar System elements or a Continent with an Ocean, but you must already have these elements in your collection.
2. Cause a Massive Collision
One of the most popular theories about the formation of the real Moon is that a solar body collided with Earth, chunks, and particles of Earth’s crust ejected into space and gravity caused the debris to form into the Moon over time.
You can cause a similar outcome by colliding two elements together. You merely drag and drop the Stone element onto the Planet. The Moon element icon appears on the screen with the words “A planetary groupie” beneath it.
If you don’t already have the Stone element, you can create it quickly with a few basic element combinations:
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Lava + Air = Stone
With the Stone element icon, the words “Breaker of bones and other valuables” appear on the screen. Alternative methods for creating a Stone with Earth exist. You can combine Earth with Pressure or Solid to achieve the same outcome.
3. Alternative Ways to Make Moon
The Moon element is naturally associated with so many other elements that the creators of “Little Alchemy 2” have made similar associations in-game.
For example, since the Moon is associated with the night sky, you can also create a Moon by combining the Night element with Planet, Stone, or Earth.
Since a comparison of the Moon to cheese was used in early folklore, you can even make Moon by combining the Night or Sky elements with the Cheese element, if you have it.
The simplest alternative method for making the Moon is with the Sky element. If you don’t already have Sky, it’s time to add it to your collection. The sky is another important early building block in the game that can help you create a lot of other elements.
Use the following combinations of elements to create it:
- Planet + Fire = Sun
- Sun + Atmosphere = Sky
A sky icon appears on screen with the words “The domain of clouds.”
If you didn’t previously collect Atmosphere, you have no reason to worry. You only need to combine the Planet and Air elements.
An icon that represents the Earth with an atmosphere bubble around it appears on screen with the phrase “The layer of gases surrounding our planet that protects us from various invisible space horrors.”
Once you have Sky, you’re set to make Moon. You only need to drag and drop it onto the Planet icon.
Why is the Moon Necessary in “Little Alchemy 2”?
A lot of cultural and scientific ideas are associated with the Moon in the real world. The world-building rules of the game are no different.
Without the Moon, you can’t have the tide created by the gravitational forces between the Moon and the planet. The Moon also plays a critical role in the formation of eclipses.
The night sky is associated with the Moon and certain animals. Humans have reached for the stars in part because of seeing the Moon above them.
Space programs have resulted in a wide range of scientific discoveries and cutting-edge technologies. The Moon is also an important aspect of several religions and is associated with various gods.
The Moon element helps you create 12 additional unique elements from all of these areas:
- Moon + Ocean = Tide
- Moon + Sea = Tide
- Moon + Sun = Eclipse & Sky
- Moon + Animal = Wolf
- Moon + Bird = Owl
- Moon + Butterfly = Moth
- Moon + Sky = Night
- Moon + Time = Night
- Moon + Glass = Telescope
- Moon + Star = Space
- Moon + Human = Astronaut
- Moon + Car = Moon Rover
- Moon + Electric Car = Moon Rover
- Moon + Deity = Chang’e
- Moon + Elixir of Life = Chang’e
Other Combinations to Check Out Today
Now that you have Moon and other elements associated with it, you can create and collect even more fascinating, fun elements. For example, if you have the Human element and add it to Wolf, you can create a Werewolf.
Other elements combined with Wolf create Bone, Cage, Cave, Dog, and Fox.
You can even create a mythical Hellhound or Fenrir. Since blue sharks are named the “wolves of the sea,” you can also create Shark by combining Wolf with the Sea or Ocean elements.
With so many element combinations available in Little Alchemy 2, you can spend seemingly endless hours discovering new ones and exploring their interesting relationships with their real-world counterparts.