If you are a Little Alchemy 2 fan, we have got really good news for you. More importantly, our topic for today will teach you how you can obtain the Blade element in the game.
As you know, when living organisms started existing on Earth, humans were one of the weakest beings. While all the other animals had body features such as beaks, jaws, or claws which would help them to fight with, humans didn’t have anything.
Likewise, other animals just had bigger bodies than humans. So, humans didn’t have any means to fight back with. However, it all changed when humans started making tools and weapons.
Moreover, humans weren’t evolved as they are today. But, they still managed to make tools and weapons out of sticks and stones.
Similarly, the Blade element will play a huge role in your world. Certainly, you will be able to obtain many other elements related to it as well. But before that, we will have to create the key elements required to obtain Blade.
In fact, Stone and Metal are the two key ingredients of the Blade element. Also, worry not as obtaining the Blade element will be as easy as just combining some basic elements.
So without further ado, let’s dive into the process of obtaining Blade by creating the key ingredients first, shall we?
Step 1: Create Stone
Humans first discovered the use of tools during the stone age. Oh, talking about which, do you why the stone age is called the stone age?
Simply put, the stone age is when early humans first started using stones such as flint for tools and weapons. Moreover, cavemen also used stones to light fires. So, that makes stone tools the earliest known human tools.
Likewise, Little Alchemy 2 requires the Stone element as a key ingredient of Blade. Also, having Stone could prove useful as it is one of the most fundamental elements in the game.
Nevertheless, the below steps will guide you on creating the Stone element:
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Lava + Air = Stone
One thing is that Little Alchemy 2 is not always about excitement and thrill. Sometimes, all you need is a cup of tea or coffee and create simple elements as we just did. That way, you will get better rest for your next adventure.
Consequently, you will be able to explore even more elements using your creativity.
Step 2: Create Metal
Nonetheless, we use metals to create blades in the present. Although our ancestors might have used stones for creating tools, they don’t have the precision and durability as metals do. So, Little Alchemy 2 prioritizes the Metal element for creating Blade.
Likewise, there are many methods of obtaining metal in real life. For instance, many metals can be obtained by smelting their ores which are embedded in rocks. That means we will be smelting the Stone element we just created in order to obtain Metal.
To clarify, follow the below steps to obtain the Metal element:
- Stone + Fire = Metal
Just like Stone, Metal also is one of the most fundamental elements in Little Alchemy 2. So, this guide will definitely prove more useful than just obtaining the Blade element.
However, we are really close to finally getting the element we wanted. So let’s not waste more time and keep going!
Step 3: Create Blade
Now that we have obtained all the key ingredients required to obtain Blade, we will waste no further time and do it.
In short, the below step shows how you can obtain the Blade element:
- Stone + Metal = Blade
Wait there’s more! It’s possible the above method of obtaining the Blade element might not have satisfied you. Hence, we have also enlisted alternative methods for obtaining the Blade element.
Alternative Ways To Create Blade
Little Alchemy 2 is best known for its open-world perspective. In other words, you can do anything you want in the game. For example, you can choose any element you want to create from the very start of the game.
In addition, you can also choose how you want to obtain the element. And, you don’t need to worry if the path you have chosen won’t lead you to your destination.
In the same vein, there are many other ways to obtain the Blade element. So, feel free to choose any one of them from the list below:
- Metal + Rock = Blade
- Rock + Steel = Blade
- Steel + Stone = Blade
Give yourself a huge pat! You successfully followed our guideline on obtaining the Blade element. However, your journey hasn’t still come to an end as there’s more.
Now that you have obtained Blade, you can create many other elements as we talked about before. So now, we will look at all the elements we can create using the Blade element.
Elements You Can Create Using Blade
I hope you are prepared as the Blade element actually lets you create dozens of other elements. Since blades are mostly used to create tools and weapons, it’s obvious we will also be able to create different tools and weapons.
However, we can also use the Blade element to obtain elements such as Helicopter, Coconut Milk, etc.
Moreover, the following list shows all the elements you can create using Blade:
- Blade + Airplane = Helicopter
- Blade + Ambulance = Scalpel
- Blade + Beehive = Wax
- Blade + Blade = Scissors
- Blade + Coconut = Coconut Milk
- Blade + Cook = Knife
- Blade + Cookie Dough = Cookie Cutter
- Blade + Cow = Leather
- Blade + Doctor = Scalpel
- Blade + Dough = Cookie Cutter
- Blade + Electricity = Blender
- Blade + Fabric = Bandage
- Blade + Fish = Swordfish
- Blade + Flower = Rose
- Blade + Glass = Blender
- Blade + Grass = Scythe
- Blade + Gun = Bayonet
- Blade + Heat = Katana
- Blade + Holy Water = Durendal
- Blade + Hospital = Scalpel
- Blade + Human = Blood + Corpse
- Blade + Metal = Sword
- Blade + Motion = Blender
- Blade + Mouse = Mousetrap
- Blade + Ninja = Katana + Shuriken
- Blade + Paladin = Durendal
- Blade + Paper = Confetti + Scissors
- Blade + Pig = Leather
- Blade + Plant = Rose
- Blade + Seaplane = Helicopter
- Blade + Shark = Swordfish
- Blade + Sheep = Leather + Wool
- Blade + Shuriken = Katana
- Blade + Star = Shuriken
- Blade + Steel = Sword
- Blade + Sword = Scissors
- Blade + Tree = Sap
- Blade + Wheat = Scythe
- Blade + Wind Turbine = Blender
- Blade + Windmill = Blender
- Blade + Wood = Axe + Sword
Well, I think the elements we just obtained are plenty to have your journey backed up for some time. And, it’s amazing how Little Alchemy 2 always finds a way to connect different elements.
Little Alchemy 2 is all about creative imagination and adventures. And, the game allows its players to uncover all the secrets of the universe by simply dragging and clicking different elements.
Likewise, you are also doing a great job at sailing in the sea of Little Alchemy 2. And, we don’t want you to ever stop exploring and discovering new elements. Also, we will always cheer for your success.
However, if you do find yourself lost and can’t navigate your path, you can rely on us. Just like we guided you on creating the Blade element, we will help you with any other element of your interest.