In modern life, we have our essentials; everything from our favorite sweatshirt to our go-to cereal in the morning, but back in the day essentials looked a little different. You needed fire, water, and most importantly you needed wood.
Although Little Alchemy 2 is not an old fashion game in any sense, it is neat that you get to see elements in their simplest form, just as generations beyond generations saw before us.
With that being said, we’re going to learn how to make Wood in Little Alchemy 2; let’s make our ancestors proud! Alas, one thing they would say is that nothing is worth having come effortlessly and easily, which translates quite a bit to the process of creating wood in Little Alchemy 2.
Check out more on Little Alchemy 2 ‘how to make’ guides: Electricity, Rain, Sky, Moon, Lizard, Cloud, Sand.
But lengthy does not mean impossible, let’s get this wood!
Woodn’t It Be Nice
Perhaps it’s because we may take wood for granted in our reality that it seems like it would be a fairly easy item to obtain in a video game, but within the virtual walls of Little Alchemy 2, you’ve gotta put in some groundwork before you get the bark.
But thankfully we’ll be going through every step to get you there, and once we’ve got that down we can talk about all the cool new combinations you can create with your new element!
Zooming out before we dive into this formula, the basic combinations you need to create wood, as simply explained by, are:
- Tree + Tool
- Tree + Chainsaw
- Tree + Axe
- Tree + Lumberjack
- Tree + Sword
As you can see there’s a bit of a pattern, you need a tree (we’ve already deduced) and you need some sort of muscle power. We’ll be doing a step-by-step of the first combination listed, Tree + Tool. When you begin to play, you can use this as a simple guide to follow!
Alright, with the guidance of Little Alchemy 2 Cheats. com, let’s get that purple screen all ready to go and channel our inner lumberjack, we’re about to meet some wood.
- Air + Air = Pressure
- Pressure + Earth = Stone
- Water + Earth = Mud
- Mud + Stone = Clay
- Water + Water = Puddle
- Puddle + Water = Pond
- Pond + Water = Lake
- Lake + Water = Sea
- Fire + Earth = Lava
- Lava + Sea = Primordial Soup
- Earth + Lava = Volcano
- Volcano + Primordial Soup = Life
- Life + Clay = Human
- Fire + Stone = Metal
- Metal + Human = TOOL!
- Earth + Earth = Land
- Land + Land = Continent
- Continent + Continent = Planet
- Planet + Fire = Sun
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Energy + Sun = Solar Cell
- Solar Cell + Sun = Electricity
- Air + Stone = Sand
- Sand + Fire = Glass
- Glass + Electricity = Light Bulb
- Light Bulb + Human = Idea
- Idea + Human = Philosophy
- Planet + Planet = Solar System
- Solar System + Solar System = Galaxy
- Galaxy + Galaxy = Galaxy Cluster
- Galaxy Cluster + Galaxy Cluster = Universe
- Universe + Philosophy = Big
- Earth + Life = Soil
- Soil + Life = Plant
- Plant + Big = TREE!
- Tree + Tool = WOOD!
Oh, mighty, pat yourself on the back and stretch out those hand and finger muscles, we finally achieved making wood!
It’s so neat to see the whole Little Alchemy process of it all, starting with something as simple as air, glancing at life, descending into the vast Universe, and ending it all with a tool and a tree.
As promised when we first started this wood journey, now that you have that element there are tons of other creations to explore.
Let’s lay out some combos that are on the practical side of the Little Alchemy spectrum and some that are on the wacky cool side of the spectrum.
Can I Axe You A Question?
Creating an axe has never been easier, especially after all the steps we just took! All you have to do is drag and drop the tool right back onto the wood and shazam you’ve got your axe!
Wood + Tool = AXE!
Logging Off!
A Little Alchemy log cabin wood is the cutest thing; you can imagine yourself in a beautifully peaceful forest surrounded by nothing pressing, just the appreciation of nature. Let’s create the virtual cabin of your dreams!
For this we’ll be needing the wood, check, and next, we’ll need to build ourselves a house.
- Water + Earth = Mud
- Mud + Fire = Brick
- Brick + Brick = Wall
- Wall + Wall = HOUSE!
- Now you can combine, Wood + House = LOG CABIN!
Alexa, play ‘Campfire Song Song’ by Spongebob Square Pants
No log cabin is truly complete without a good ol’ campfire, and unlike the struggle, it may take to get one going in the real world (although worth it for that cozy warmth and marshmallows) creating one in Little Alchemy 2 is pretty simple!
Wood + Fire = CAMPFIRE!
I’m A Virtual Boy!
Now that we’ve created things on the more calm and practical side, it’s time to dip our curiosity into the pool of wild quirkiness. That’s right folks, we’re going to build our very own little Pinocchio, Gepetto’s got nothing on us!
This formula can consist of two options:
- Wood + Life
- Wood + Story
Since we have already created life, we’ll be taking the step-by-step route on how to create a story element. We want you to have lots of cool tools in your Little Alchemy belt!
- Water + Air = Mist
- Earth + Earth = Land
- Land + Land = Continent
- Continent + Continent = Planet
- Planet + Air = Atmosphere
- Atmosphere + Mist = Cloud
- Fire + Fire = Energy
- Energy + Cloud = Lightning
- Air + Air = Pressure
- Pressure + Earth = Stone
- Water + Earth = Mud
- Mud + Stone = Clay
- Water + Water = Puddle
- Puddle + Water = Pond
- Pond + Water = Lake
- Lake + Water = Sea
- Fire + Earth = Lava
- Lava + Sea = Primordial Soup
- Earth + Lava = Volcano
- Volcano + Primordial Soup = Life
- Life + Clay = Human
- Human + Lightning = Hero
- Hero + Human = STORY!
And at last with the dragging and dropping of Wood + Story, you now have your own cute little PINOCCHIO!
You now have the tools and possibilities to create so many cool, neat, simple, and wacky combinations! Sometimes I think a big secret to Little Alchemy 2 is to not overthink it too much.
Let your mind wander, let it grasp onto childlike wonder, and don’t be afraid to not get it right on the first try.
What’s so cool about this game, that sets it apart from others, is that there isn’t a consequence in your trial and error; you’re learning and exploring in the best virtual sandbox ever!
So allow yourself to just relax and have fun, that’s what it’s all about.